Friday, January 22, 2010

It has been MONTHS

Noah has started daycare, turned two, well exceeded a vocabulary of 150 words and is fast on his way to using the toilet. Where has the time gone?

He currently is being treated for yet ANOTHER ear infection and has been treated for breathing issues more than 4 times in the last 2 years. The trouble with Noah is unless something is SUPER wrong you'd never know he was sick! He continues to run around with Joey, yelling and laughing despite having difficulty breathing. He rarely gets fevers. Poor little guy.

He continues to be the light of my life and I enjoy every trying moment with him. He of course has developed an affinity for being abusive towards me using tactics such as punching, pinching, head butting and jumping on! It so hard to find the right balance of reaction to his behaviors and you'd think he was a neglected child demanding more and more attention!

His vocabulary has grown exponentially in the last 6 months. He referred to himself as Dr. Willis last night while he was playing with his doctor "kit". Very cute! He was calling a hexagon a Gon which I also found very adorable. He knows names of colors but often misidentifies them in a way that makes me wonder if he is color blind.

He is doing well at "school" and has finally adjusted to it. He runs to the car, to the door and doesn't protest much when I leave him. He even gets upset sometimes when I take him home, crying because he left his "buddies" at "school".

He is very independent but humbly asks for help when he needs it. He will try to dress or undress himself and when he needs it he asks for help. He does know how to throw a full blown temper-tantrum and it is funny when he gets stuck in one. You can see he knows it is ineffective and pointless but he seems to continue simply because he committed to it or forgot why he started in the first place!

well time to go get him from "school"!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

19 going on 20 months

Noah went to see the doc today. Got his first haircut. Peed on the potty again for the 5th time in the last two days!

He has really got more verbal, signing thank you, food, more, library, night night, playground...
He has lots of words too. Bubbles, OK, yeah, baba, mama, dada, go, more, please, Peter, eyes, doggie, kitty, that, Grandma, CJ, night night, ball, wow, see,oh, cheese, boo boo, hello, play, poo poo, star... He knows his body parts.

He has gone potty 5 times on the big potty the last 2 days!! It is very exciting! 


bed time.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Almost 2 months.

What is new and exciting?

Not much. Noah is doing great, although he has thinned out quite a bit. Inspired by Lily Metcalf Noah has been on the binky wagon for the past several days. He is doing well. Each day gets easier but I can tell he has a shorter fuse. I almost feel abusive taking it away. It is like he can't find a way to soothe himself. Today he punched me in the eye and headbutted my ear. It was rough. I can't get him to stop hitting. So if you have any suggestions, feel free. I have tried it all (or so I think).

He is really coming into his own. We have been blessed with the terrible two's since 13 months and it is only getting worse! He throws fits all day long when he isn't being so cute it's painful! He has gotten into hugging my legs, I love it!

Well more later. Sorry no pictures. You can see them on Facebook.