so daddy weighed the big boy tonight, Noah clocked in at roughly 18 lbs. he loves his food. he has a new and very annoying trick. He screams, not out of frustration or hunger, just for the hell of it. he thinks that it is hysterical! i don't of course. he has developed a horrid rash from all his drooling over the last month or so and needs tylenol in the night because he wakes up in such pain from what appears to be teething. he doesn't take his pacifier, so more sleeplessness nights for mom. his favorite game is trot trot to boston and his favorite toy is elephant, which has gone missing. he is coping. he has mastered rolling front to back, back to front, is nearly sitting unsupported and loves bouncing, he stands and then drops and pops up. i fear he will walk before he crawls, he has been supporting his weight on his legs pretty much since birth and he dislikes being on his stomach. he is now in size 3 diapers and wears 6-12 month clothes. he passes his toys from one hand to the other, uses the pincher grasp occasionally and loves to self feed, when he isn't lazy he holds his bottle, picks it up if he drops it and appears to be very bored hanging out with me all day. he loves to be in the action, he gets indignant if he is on the outskirts of whatever is going on. while he is not clingy he loves to be held and on the move with me. he is very social, smiles tons, loves to "talk" especially to his feet, grabs my nose, my mouth, my eyes, my shirt, whatever he can. i wish that i was more on the ball with documenting his "accomplishments" but life has been very stessful. we are making do. thank god for his aunt Joanne, without her he would be naked all the time! she gets him such adorable things, hats, shoes, outfits, sunglasses etc!