Noah is known around town as a VERY HAPPY BABY. I personally believe that his disposition is a function of nature and not so much nurture.... OK I have a little to do with it. He is very good out in public for me and an animal at home, which is fine with me, it makes me look like I might know what I am doing. I have spoiled him though. He really enjoys a good cuddle and sometimes insists on one to fall asleep. He is working on the sippy cup, well I need to be. I want him to have it during the day but he doesn't always go for it. He is so mobile which is great except when he gets himself up in the crib, on the coffee table or couch and can't get down. Then he WHINES. It is crazy making.
Peter is taking violin in band which he seems excited about. Although everything pales in comparison to Halo. I am so blessed he is such a good boy because step parenting is THE hardest thing I have ever done. I had the pleasure of meeting his mother a couple of weeks ago and she really is a sweetheart and Peter ADORES her which is so wonderful. He has such fantastic adventures when he visits her in Alaska.
Jay and I are pressing on through the tough times and I have to say he is the love of my life. (that doesn't say much for me lol) I hate the struggles we are having. If he were anyone else I wouldn't survive them but there is such profound love, at least on my part, I am strangely content. (Love you J)
Now, TV. Million dollar listing has been even more entertaining than Project runway, sad isn't it. I am in love with Flipping Out, all Bravo shows. I could watch them over and over and now they brought back Top Design.... not the best but some truly detestable characters! Waiting for the return of Reno 911, this season was a little disappointing. They need to do a Tacos, Tacos, Tacos off shoot featuring Nick Swardson....That would be the apex of television bliss! I watch Reality Bites Back faithfully... it needs some perfecting but hilarious content. I just wish Arrested Development was still on, at least repeats. Someone should pick it up.
and now for what you have all been waiting for
Here is a photo of three very underwhelmed boys out in 100* heat at Castle Airforce Base about a month ago.....
My Cousins, their children and my Great Grandma while we were in Florida