just a cute but blurry picture taken sometime in April
Today Noah is 5 Months OLD!! WOW, last year this time I was pregnant and miserable. A year ago this month one of my oldest friends passed away. I mention this because I keep having these dreams that he is still alive and in California. He was supposed to come out here last July to start school in San Fran. I guess it takes me a while to grieve. Josh I miss you, I wonder where you are.
On a happy note Noah is well! His rash is clearing up on his neck, which is great, but his chin is pretty bad. What can you do? The boy salivates alot. I have to say, having him is THE best decision I have ever made. It is tough to keep him occupied all the time but watching him grow is the most amazing thing ever. He has a really great personality, he is so fun to be around! I remember hearing that babies where boring, that they didn't do anything intersesting. SOOOO NOT TRUE! Maybe because he is mine I find him so facinating, who knows.
I am looking for a job, I took a test last week to do Juvenile Corrections, pay is ok, good benefits, hours of course blow donkey balls. i will have to work weekends, holidays etc... but maybe i won't make the cut, i still have to interview, a background check like i am working in a Nuke plant and then get offered the job.... in the meantime i am getting in gear to go back to school! i don't know how this is going to work but as Tim Gunn says, "make it work".
i just finished a book by Alice McDermott, Child of my Heart. It was a quick easy read, not the best story ever but it took place on Long Island and it made me homesick-
well enough about me-
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