Wednesday, November 26, 2008


On the eve of my favorite holiday I feel compelled to write a gratitude list.

1. Through a surreal chain of events, on January 3rd of 2008 I "gave birth" to an amazing human being, Noah. It is a miracle that we both survived! I don't know what I did to deserve such a exceptional child. He meets all his developmental milestones, sometimes early, he is healthy, strong, bright and beautiful. Noah has a engaging personality, a sense of humor and an insatiable curiosity. I couldn't be more proud of him!

2. Jay and I have survived as a couple through countless tests, disappointments, frustrations, scares and we still love each other, possibly more now then ever! In my eyes he is my Prince Charming. He is a wonderful father and a kind hearted man. He works hard and helps others. I don't want to embarrass him so I will stop now!

3. I have an amazing and supportive family, I look forward to spending time with them. They have always loved me unconditionally. They are at times bizarre, but relatively sane.

4. I am not living in my car. I can not stress this one enough!

5. My step-son doesn't hate me, I think he might actually like me a little bit. Also, Peter is a great kid.

6. I am actually grateful that I am not working, while I don't like poverty I will never regret staying home with Noah his first year! He still manages to have everything he needs. People in his life are very generous.

7. I got all my paper work in for school, before it was due!

8. I have friends who are way cooler, more successful and more interesting than me and they still want to talk to me!

9. I am making friends in Turlock.

10. Most importantly~ I still haven't had a drink! Thank God.

While my life isn't what I thought it should be at 32 I am, nonetheless, grateful. I have lived a lot of life in this short time. I look forward to what tomorrow may bring.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Awe how sweet! I hope Jay knows how great of a person you are!

I just wanted to say thanks for talking about me in #8. It is okay, feel free to use my name.

Are you in school? I didn't know this. You are always in school. You know you can always quit. :)

Thanks for the comment on Lily's blog. She is so tall! At her 9 month she was 29". We can't wait to turn her car seat around because her feet are way up on the seat. Everyday she is getting closer to walking. It is so amazing to watch. She is so proud of herself.

Okay, again, I never know when to stop typing.

Let's get together!