Thursday, June 19, 2008

Can I get a WHAT WHAT?

Noah having Dinner, Lil' Nac fed him
Noah being held by Aunt Becky

we made it in one piece after over 12 hours of gruelling travel. Noah was great on the plane, he got fussy when he was hungry, tired or bored. no unstoppable crying, of course the trip was much longer than i remembered it being.

Noah is dealing with the time change, by not changing with it... he is drooling all over grandpa right now!!

he met his Great Grandpa, GranJan, Uncle A, Aunt Kim, Aunt Becky, Big Mitch and Lil' Nanc, Stuce, Kathy, Janet and the Youngs!! He was very charming and the center of attention even though we were celebrating the GPAS 60th wedding anniversary.

Well I need sleep-

more later

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Leaving for CT

Noah and I are gearing up to head east. Sadly he contracted a cold while at the doctors and he has passed to to Jay and I. We will be gone for 3 weeks, maybe more if we head to Florida after CT. I won't see Peter again until August :( He will undoubtedly have fun at his mom's.

Noah is otherwise great doing all the things that babies like to do. Typical male though, he is capable of picking up and holding his bottle and sippy cups, I've seen him do it, and yet all he wants is mom to do it for him. He is really starting to sit well by himself but only if I sit him down. I swear he is talking to me sometimes, he says ma, mmmm, hi... I am trying to incorporate signs to words but I haven't been very consistent. I feel like an asshole when I do them because they are made-up signs.

Well we need to rest up Noah is the guest of Honor at a soiree on Thursday. No new pics-

BTW- Spanky was in the Modesto Bee today!! What a superstar!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

noah's update

joey and noah

well Noah is now 17 lbs 5 oz and is 25 1/2" while he is above average in weight he is not over weight. thank goodness! how embarassing would that be! he did very well with his shots! he screamed and as soon as i picked him up he stopped. what a trooper. although he has been miserable for the last couple of days since. the doctor says his teeth are right on the verge of popping through. i guess he just wants to eat more. his hair is getting long enough to be crazy which is cute, it sticks up all over the place. he isn't really doing anything new, i am still waiting for him to sit all by himself for more than 30 seconds.

while i am thrilled to be going east i am terrified to be traveling alone with him. especially now that he likes to squeal! we only have one stop which hopefully will be a good thing. we leave on wednesday so i will report in then.

even scarier, Peter is turning ten on saturday...he starts fifth grade in august!

gotta go....

Monday, June 9, 2008

our prince

looking oh so handsome at 5 months!

well he is all drool and rash but handsome none the less. we are looking forward to going to CT. Tomorrow he gets more shots and will be weighed, so more tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

just a cute but blurry picture taken sometime in April

Today Noah is 5 Months OLD!! WOW, last year this time I was pregnant and miserable. A year ago this month one of my oldest friends passed away. I mention this because I keep having these dreams that he is still alive and in California. He was supposed to come out here last July to start school in San Fran. I guess it takes me a while to grieve. Josh I miss you, I wonder where you are.

On a happy note Noah is well! His rash is clearing up on his neck, which is great, but his chin is pretty bad. What can you do? The boy salivates alot. I have to say, having him is THE best decision I have ever made. It is tough to keep him occupied all the time but watching him grow is the most amazing thing ever. He has a really great personality, he is so fun to be around! I remember hearing that babies where boring, that they didn't do anything intersesting. SOOOO NOT TRUE! Maybe because he is mine I find him so facinating, who knows.

I am looking for a job, I took a test last week to do Juvenile Corrections, pay is ok, good benefits, hours of course blow donkey balls. i will have to work weekends, holidays etc... but maybe i won't make the cut, i still have to interview, a background check like i am working in a Nuke plant and then get offered the job.... in the meantime i am getting in gear to go back to school! i don't know how this is going to work but as Tim Gunn says, "make it work".

i just finished a book by Alice McDermott, Child of my Heart. It was a quick easy read, not the best story ever but it took place on Long Island and it made me homesick-

well enough about me-